If you are facing a traffic violation in Georgia, your best defense is calling Henley Miller at Georgia Ticket Attorney. We fight aggressively to avoid points on your license and any potential insurance increases. With our FREE consultation and reasonable flat fees starting at $199 it’s easy to get started. Contact us today!


Proven Experience – Over 1,500+ drivers have been helped 

Remarkable Success Rate– 97% of our cases are either reduced or dismissed

Outstanding Personalized Service – Your case will be based on your individual needs

Trusted Reputation– Our clients know when they hire us they are going to get the best representation for their case

No Need to Appear in Court– Your attorney can appear on your behalf

No Points– Most cases result in zero points or significant point reduction 

No Insurance Increase– Your attorney can prevent your case from reporting to insurance, which will avoid a rate increase

Reduced Court Fines – Your attorney can help reduce excessive fine amounts imposed by courts



We Handle ALL Traffic Tickets in Georgia.


We Handle ALL Georgia Super Speeder Tickets .


We handle Georgia under 21 Tickets.


We clear most suspensions fast!


Paying a Traffic Ticket Fine Is An Automatic Admission of Guilt.

Traffic offenses in Georgia are considered criminal misdemeanors and have the same maximum penalties as all misdemeanors, including jail time and fines. Citations can have lasting consequences on your driving history, car insurance premiums, and your criminal history. 

Before paying your citation, call Henley Miller at Georgia Ticket Attorney where all of your options can be discussed during a FREE consultation


After speaking with Henley Miller at Georgia Ticket Attorney you will a case evaluation and a fee. Once, retained you will have personal access to reach us by phone, text and email.


Henley Miller at Georgia Ticket Attorney will customize a strategy for your case. Ms. Miller will appear in court and use her knowledge and experience to get you the best possible results.


The goal at Georgia Ticket Attorney is to have your case resolved without a court appearance and no impact on your drivers license, driving record or your insurance.

Georgia Ticket Attorney practice areas


Speeding and Traffic Tickets


Criminal Defense



Client Testimonials

Stephanie - Worth every cent

Henley was a prompt lawyer, she is very easy going, empathetic, understanding, flexible and most importantly she goes above and beyond. She fights to get the best results possible and makes the best out of any situation. I never had a complaint throughout the process because she communicates effectively as well.

I had a speeding ticket in Coweta county she appeared to my first court date on my behalf and negotiated a great plea deal for me. I was going 106 in a 70(long story) she got it down to 101, with no points on my license, no probation and no reckless driving charges. She is very sweet, she cares about her clients personally she doesn’t view them as just another case. If you’re in a bind I definitley reccommend Henley.

Jordan- Great lawyer for speeding ticket

Henley helped me get rid of a traffic ticket in Hall County, GA. The matter was time sensitive and I could not appear in court because I am from out of state. She explained everything very clearly, and took care of everything promptly. Overall she did an excellent job, and I would recommend her to anyone in a similar bind.

Anonymous- Citation reduced to a non reportable offense

Henley was successfully able to reduce a speeding citation to a non-reportable offense; thereby ensuring it would not impact insurance rates.


Javier- Great Service

I ended up contacting Henley 2 hours before my court date, and she made it there and represented me with no problem. The service was unbelievable. No hassle, straight to the point, problem solved. God forbid I get another court date, but if i do, I definitely know who to call. Once again Henley, thank you for your amazing service.



Christopher- One word “Amazing“

So I was recommended to Mrs. Henley Miller from my original lawyer from previous cases Steve Nash. So I contact Mrs. Miller with my problem which was a super speeder ticket and a window tint violation but my case was a bit trick because I had a previous super speeder two months prior. Mrs. Miller walked me through the entire process on how she was going to fit the case and possible win the case. Literally the only thing I had to do is just give her some information and just follow up with her and just like that I won the case with a small fine. She kept me updated the entire process and I felt confident having her to represent me. Thank you so much. The end result was she made my citation a non-reportable offense and my window tint thrown. So my super speeder ticket won’t count against me on my drivers license, insurance nor my record. Thank you, Mrs. Miller!

We Fight For You!

Put the legal experience of Georgia Ticket Attorney to work for you.


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